Friday, October 07, 2005

Hiring Drama

I am so excited. On Tuesday night, there was a new batch of job postings online. I didn’t hesitate to apply for them, though I did ask for input from my other teaching friends. Since I’m doing a LTO right now, I have the option to move into a contract position at any time. So today, I got a call from a principal asking if I would be available for an interview on Tuesday. I jumped at the opportunity. He did mention that even though it was posted as a full contract position, he might decide to make it a half position, as he currently has a really good LTO in the school. Here’s where the drama comes in. The school I am at right now might be opening up a new class because of the class sizes, and that will mean there will be a half time contract position at the school. If both principal offers me a half position, it will be a very difficult choice to pick one. If this new school offers me a full position, I would have to jump to the new school. So I’m excited to have this opportunity for a full position, I just hope I’m enticing enough to be a full time person at this school I’m interviewing at.

School now: 15 minutes away from home. I know the students already. I like the staff
Interviewing school: close to downtown, 1 hour away, new staff and students, close to my future home (see condo blog).

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